Thinking About Ohio
Call for Manuscript Proposals
Submissions due: June 1, 2024
A series published by the University of Cincinnati Press
in collaboration with the
America 250-Ohio Commission,
Ohio History Connection,
and the State Library of Ohio
Ohio is the “heart of it all,” as the state’s slogan goes. Among the 88 counties are populations with deep roots, from the earliest human experience to vibrant new communities that have adopted the state as their home. Rich in invention, Ohio has shaped the nation and the world continuing to break new ground. From earning its first UNESCO World Heritage Site to attracting Fortune 500 headquarters, Ohio is a true leader in the nation and the world, yet many people don’t know 10 facts about its culture, history, innovation, and the influence it has had on the US.

Starting in 2025, the University of Cincinnati Press will publish a new series, Thinking About Ohio, comprised of more than 30 nonfiction books highlighting Ohio’s heritage, history, and innovation. Created to close the knowledge gap about Ohio and elevate the state’s profile globally, this first-of-its-kind series will mix scholarly, expert, and underrepresented voices with primary source material, oral histories, firsthand accounts, and rich video content to create a definitive peer-reviewed, accessibility-friendly book series on Ohio for general readers. Each of the books in the series will focus on a topic connected to one of the eight themes listed below.
The UC Press invites academic, scholarly, trade, and indigenous authors to submit nonfiction proposals and full-length manuscripts highlighting Ohio’s past, present, and future. We seek authors who can write and explore Ohio’s national and global importance and contributions to the US; and the impact that Ohioans have had on the state, nation, and beyond; using an inclusive and diverse lens to share stories of the state’s richness, resources, and talent—Ohio’s firsts, points of pride, and under-told stories—that reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and build for the future. We are particularly interested in books that can incorporate primary source content, archives, oral histories, and rich media in addition to accessible prose to explain Ohio’s past, present, and future; and how these events and contributions have had national and international impact. Submissions that are culturally inclusive, maintain rigorous academic standards, and are for a general reading audience are preferred. Books should be appropriate for high school readers and adults.
Authors must live or work in Ohio and may be scholars, archivists, historians, scientists, researchers, educators, full-time writers and experts in any aspect of Ohio. Most importantly our authors are storytellers who, using archives, primary sources, and engaging narratives, will write books highlighting Ohio’s contributions to the nation and the world. Authors must submit original work that adds to the existing body of work on the state and provides insight into Ohio’s impact. Works must be cited and can include bibliographies. For each book published, an educator guide will be available with K-12 lesson plans to help incorporate content into classes in all disciplines.
Submissions should fit into one of eight big ideas:

Book proposals should include the following:
- A general description of the proposed book.
- An annotated table of contents.
- The status of the book. When will the manuscript be complete?
- Any obstacles that may prevent you from completing the book.
- 2-4 chapters (with introduction) demonstrating prose, integration of primary sources, and citations.
- We use The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
- Word and image count. We are looking for books of approximately 60,000 words.
- A list (author, title, copyright year) of the most recent comparable books on the topic.
- A resumé or CV including any books or articles that have been previously published.
- Fiction and poetry will not be considered.
- Proposals submitted by literary agents will not be considered.
Proposal packets must be complete. All proposals that pass internal review will move on to external review by the theme editor and peer/expert reviewers. To submit your proposal, or make an appointment to discuss your project with an editor before submission, please contact

University of Cincinnati Press. Established in 2017, the press is an award-winning scholarly and regional publisher of books and journals in open-access, digital, and print formats; with an innovative, agile, and inclusive publishing model. The press has won numerous awards including the best book on public history, the best nonfiction eBook, and the outstanding academic book on racial equity.

America 250-Ohio. America 250-Ohio is a multi-year commemoration where Ohioans from all 88 counties will be in the spotlight on the impact of Ohio’s unique role in our nation’s story.

Ohio History Connection. From our earliest history, we gather and tell stories. It is through these stories that we connect. We connect to each other. We connect to shared beliefs and values. We connect to generations past as every tale is preserved and retold. At Ohio History Connection, we don’t just tell the stories, we bring them to life. To your life.

State Library of Ohio. The vision of the State Library of Ohio is a Smarter Ohio where Ohioans of all ages access the necessary resources to be engaged residents, excel at their jobs, participate in the workforce, expand their knowledge, and pursue their passions and interests.
Rabiner, Susan, and Alfred Fortunato, Thinking Like Your Editor: How to Write Great Serious Nonfiction—and Get it Published (Norton, 2003). Advice from an experienced book editor and literary agent on how to write a proposal and manuscript appealing to trade publishers and university presses.