Poetry Stacked Anthology, Volume 1

Poetry Stacked Anthology, Volume 1

Price: $50 + tax
Pub Date: April 2024
Trim Size: 5″ x 8.5″

Imprint: Cincinnati Library Publishing Services
Publisher: University of Cincinnati Press
ISBN: 978-1-947603-70-7

Editor/Creator of the volume: University of Cincinnati Libraries,
Elliston Poetry Room, Preservation Lab, University of Cincinnati Press

Editors: Grace Guy, Ben Kline and Michael Peterson
Designers: Melissa Cox Norris and Holly Prochaska
Production: The Preservation Lab
Distribution: The University of Cincinnati Press

The Poetry Stacked Anthology, Volume 1 features the work of the University of Cincinnati and community poets, artists and dancers of the 2022/2023 reading series and includes 16 poems plus artwork and illustrations. Its creation was a collaboration between the Elliston Poetry Room, University of Cincinnati Libraries and the Preservation Lab with the University of Cincinnati Press. The Anthology was edited by Grace Guy, undergraduate student studying English at the University of Cincinnati, Ben Kline, UC Libraries, and Michael Peterson, Elliston Poetry Room. The form was designed by Holly Prochaska, and Melissa Cox Norris, UC Libraries, designed the layout and cover art. The Preservations Lab’s Jessica Ebert, Catarina Figueirinhas, Hyacinth Tucker and Holly Prochaska assembled the Anthology.

The Anthology is a true artist book. Printed on bright pink paper with a four-part insert on colorful paper, its structure is an accordion fold that reveals each part upon opening. The first three parts include poems, artwork and illustrations from the featured 16 poets of the 2022/2023 Poetry Stacked reading series. The fourth part features an Editor’s Note from student editor Grace Guy and biographies of the poets, artists and dancers.

The reverse side includes a list of the poets, the Poetry Stacked branding and two pockets – one containing the Poetry Stacked sticker and another for the book’s owner to fill.

The mission of Poetry Stacked is to celebrate poetry and raise awareness of the collections of both UC Libraries and the Elliston Poetry Room. Each reading engages audiences via exposure to contemporary poetry and increases appreciation for both the talents of UC and community poets, as well as for poetry itself. The Anthology is a celebration of the first successful year of the series. It was edited, designed and assembled by hand at the University of Cincinnati Libraries.

Featuring the contributors of the 2022/2023 Poetry Stacked reading series, the Anthology is a celebration of poetry, community and art.

Accomplished poets featured in the Poetry Anthology, Volume 1 include University of Cincinnati faculty members Alecia Beymer, Elijah Guerra, Aditi Machado and Felicia Zamora.

The Poetry Anthology, Volume 1 includes talented current and former University of Cincinnati students Hussain Ahmed, Taylor Byas, Casey Harloe, Asher Marron, Nicholas Molbert, Dior Stephens and Connor Yeck.

Community poets bring a vibrancy to the Poetry Anthology with Manuel Iris, Violeta Orozco, Caroline Plasket, Kristen Renzi and Ohio Poet Laureate Kari Gunter-Seymour.

Art, dance and poetry coalesce in the Poetry Anthology highlighting the UC College-Conservatory of Music students Sydney D’Orso, Emilia Mieczykowski and Gracie Zamiska and College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning artists Kyle Angel, Kelsey Linder and Pedal Miranda.

Contact info for damages/returns/loss shipment:

University of Cincinnati Libraries

C/o Ben Kline

2911 Woodside Drive

Cincinnati, OH 45221


The Body Knows

Felicia Zamora

To find, 
To be found, 
To be understood, 
To be seen, 
Heard, felt. 
You are, 
You are, 
Memory.                           – Joy Harjo, An American Sunrise 

To strike deep in cell language. The way a sculptor surveys clay
through pupils & already the face in the jar formed, burnt
on retinas traveling through the optic nerves––our ciliary anatomy
in the art of seeking. To move from a damp, malleable lump
to a fired thing––say ceramic, say inorganic. To dance skin
as skin; how our human body comprises of 60% water 
& water an inorganic compound––say inorganic––no carbon
no carbon––water not formed by a living organism & yet we 
breathe. & yet we memory. To enter through holes. Our porous
sheaths. To translate an image, sunlight, colors, a shadow left
skulking around our carriage––a type of faith. To become 
one’s own ghost. To devour the quick & synapses. To reanimate.   

Table of Contents

“The Rotary Phone”

“El idioma de la casa / The language of the house”

“Mother of Tomorrow”


“to gerhard richter”


“Excerpt from Anatomy of a Deer in Decomposition”


“Cause and Effect”


“Salvation Work”



“David Suggests I Write a Poem”

“Chimera [Light and Prayers]”

“The Body Knows”

“Dates & Poets”

Editor’s Note

